Subject Suggestion for use of $MON tables
Author Alan McDonald
Here's a helpful hint for anyone thinking of using the $MON tables
I've just spent a few days monitoring with sinatica monitor and find that a
most helpful thing you can start doing now for any future work in this area
is to insert a comment line into the SQL of every query you issue against
the server. Something which will allow you to find that exact statement in
your code.
I have now frequently jumped from transaction to statement and user and then
found the SQL I need to work on (e.g. change a transaction isolation etc)
but would have been able to locate the code in my application much faster
had I placed SQL code like this:

/*my_query_component_name and or form_name */

I could then have done a GExperts search on this comment line and jumped
straight to the place I needed.
Maybe many of you already do such a thing but for those who don’t it's worth
doing now.

 Alan McDonald