Subject ConnString for VFP works on and off (Connection handle is invalid.)
Author Bhavbhuti Nathwani
Hi all

I have had my app originally based on ODBC connection to the FB database and that was fine. Since recently I have converted the same app to use ConnString internally from the app. The ConnString is something like this:
Driver={Firebird/InterBase(r) driver};Dbname=DEVE2:C17_32167;PWD=masterkey;UID=SYSDBA

Now every so often that app that works from my computer to access remote data using the ConnString will stop working raising the error in VFP as 1466: Connection handle is invalid. Then sometime later I try the same app and it will work again.

I am sure I am missing something but do not know nor can find a pattern when it happens. Please shed some light if this is something that others have encountered and resolved.

Thanks and regards