Subject Re: [firebird-support] single user app
Author Milan Babuskov
Sergio H. Gonzalez wrote:
> This is the thread, but having read it once more, I see that it's just one guy,
> who says that the embebed version has problems when you work with more than
> 100.000 records and that's a quite big dataset!!

Maybe he loads all 100000 records into his application and then it works


Yes. To quote:

"The only design problem on single user application is the use of an sql
server. And yes I have the need to retreive at an average of 500.000
records and no reporting is only 2% of what this dataset is used for."

Instead of preprocessing on the server side, he is pulling 500.000
records into application. Even this should work like a breeze, but it
depends on the connectivity library and components he is using. So, the
problem is definitely on the client side.

For example, try opening a 500.000 record table in any Firebird admin
tool (FlameRobin, DB Workbench, IBExpert). You can browse around without
any hickups and it works really fast.

Milan Babuskov

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