Subject Loosing records with children records in a self join
Author Bhavbhuti Nathwani
Hi all

SELECT lvl0.iid AS n0,
lvl1.iid AS n1,
lvl2.iid AS n2,
COALESCE(lvl2.cDesc, lvl1.cDesc, lvl0.cDesc) AS cDesc,
COALESCE(lvl2.iID, lvl1.iID, lvl0.iID) AS iID
FROM mItems lvl0
LEFT JOIN mItems lvl1 ON lvl1.ipid = lvl0.iid
LEFT JOIN mItems lvl2 ON lvl2.ipid = lvl1.iid
WHERE lvl0.ipid = 0

I am going through this query one section at a time. What I have noticed happening is that records that have children get excluded from the returned dataset as soon as I add a level. Thus when I had the simplest of this SQL wtih on lvl0 I was seeing the top most parent record and only one record. Added lvl1 and I saw the children of this originakl one record but the original record was gone from the data set and so on. I have tried all joins I know about INNER, LEFT / RIGHT / FULL OUTER but no joy.

Please advise how to include those records too.

Thanks and regards.