Subject Re: [firebird-support] How to convert TIMESTAMP to unix timestamp (number of seconds since epoch)
Author Lester Caine
Geoff Worboys wrote:
> Lester Caine wrote:
>> Rule 1 - Server time should always be UTC and all times saved are UTC
>> Rule 2 - if you need to know the offset for a time save it separately
> An alternative, if your client application can be made to
> support it, is to use timestamps with embedded time-zones
> stored as ISO8601 strings in the database. I recently
> developed a custom collation that will sort ISO8601 strings
> correctly - which means that you can store your timestamp
> with a time-zone and have it sort and index correctly. To
> do date manipulations in SQL you will also need appropriate
> UDFs to deal with such date-as-string input values.
> Having a single timestamp+timezone field makes many things
> much easier - especially when the client app can make good
> use of such values. (This project uses a custom timestamp
> class that incorporates time-zone in the timestamp so that
> you no longer have to lose information via normalisation.
> This makes all sorts of sense for many applications.)
> We have implemented a similar solution to get some good very
> large number support out of FB too.
> [The plan is that the source for these custom collations will
> be made available as (free) example for FB... although it is
> not yet part of the FB source.]


Lester Caine - G8HFL
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