Subject Installation, versions and aliases.conf
Author Gustavo

I have an application and I use Inno Setup to intall it. In the Inno Setup script I also install FireBird. Obviously this is optional. When a user installs my application for the first time, he will install FireBird and afterwards, when he installs a new version of my application, he usually will not choose to install FireBird again.

Till now, I was using FireBird 2.0.1 and from now on I will use FireBird 2.1.2. So I will tell my customers to install the new version of my application choosing to install FireBird again.

The installer stops and removes FireBird service before installing FireBird, so it has no problems to install the new version of FireBird. I tried it and everything works fine.

I noticed that the previous version was installed in

C:\Archivos de programa\Firebird\Firebird_2_0

and the new version is in

C:\Archivos de programa\Firebird\Firebird_2_1

The file aliases.conf, which has many aliases that my application needs to run, remains in the old folder and I (or my customer) have to manually copy this file to the new folder. To avoid this, I changed my Inno Setup script so it reads FireBird folder from the registry before installing FireBird, then it reads it again after installing FireBird, and if the folders are different, it copies the file aliases.conf from the old folder to the new folder.

So my questions are:

1. Why differents versions of FireBird installs in diferent folders ..\FireBird_N_M?
I know I can modify this and install every version in the same folder, but if FireBird designers decided to use diferent folders, I suppose there is a reason to do this.

2. Is it really necessary (or important) to deinstall the older version of FireBird? Why?

Thanks in advance.


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