Subject Urgent help needed to recover data from Firebird databse corruption!
Author murthy_prayaga
Dear Firebird Experts!

I am unable to recover data a corrupted .fdb file.
I ran the below commands.
gfix –v –full –user sysdba –password masterkey datdb.fdb
gfix –mend –full –user sysdba –password masterkey datdb.fdb
gbak –b –v –g –user sysdba –password abc largedb.fdb datdb.fbk

gbak is failed to back with internal gds software consistency check error.
gfix -mend did not fix the errors for some reason.

gbak: ERROR: internal gds software consistency check (can't continue after bugcheck)
gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors
gbak: ERROR: internal gds software consistency check (can't continue after bugcheck)

The size of the daddb.fdb is 3.3 GB.

I am on a timecrunch situation to resolve this ASAP.

Any advice or help to resolve this is greatly appreciated!

Best Regards,