Subject Re: Firebird 2.1.1 Gbak Issues
Author Matt Nielsen
Not sure what you mean. I don't create or have a table by the name of UTMP anywhere in my database. I have found a UTMP table in the security2.fdb however. Not sure how it got left there from the upgrade from 1.5 to 2.1 but it is still there. But that is not the database that has the problem with the backup not being able to be restored.

Along that line my backup scheduler kicks off all the backups at once, meaning if I have 5 databases they all get shelled off at once including the security database. I wonder if there is a thread safty issue and part of the backup file is getting corrupted by another DB's backup such as the security datase somehow data flowing into backup file.

I'm probably way out on this one ,but I can't think of another option after having searched through all my code and the IBObjects code for any reference to this table.

--- In, Dimitry Sibiryakov <sd@...> wrote:
> > I know that I am not creating a UTMP table or any other runtime DDL changes that would affect metadata.
> May be you at very last show us this table?..
> SY, SD.