Subject Re: [firebird-support] Porting from IB 6.01 to Firebird 2.1
Author Dimitry Sibiryakov
> So, we've to decide which hardware and O.S to buy, these our possibilities:
> CPU: 2 Xeon QC
> RAM: 4GB ram
> HD: RAID10 100GBx6 SAS
> SO: Windows Server2003 32bit
> CPU: 2 Xeon QC
> RAM: 16GB ram
> HD: RAID10 100GBx6 SAS
> SO: Windows Server2008 64bit
> In your opionion, which configuration could be better, in terms of perfomance?

In terms of performance and stability, I would recommend to consider
Linux as the OS. Firebird is known to have a little better performance
on it.