Subject What is efficient Tables that are created and dropped or Records later deleted
Author Bhavbhuti Nathwani
Hi All

I need to allow users to select items in my application. The selected items IDs are then used to filter tansaction data for reporting purposes.

What is more efficient?
1) Create unique random named tables containing the selected item IDs (to handle 2 or more people trying to run the same report together) and dropping them after each report.

2) Or one constant named table (this one I had implemented) with JobID column (to distinguish records from 2 or more people trying to run the same report together) and delete the selected item IDs records after each report.

I don't know how a FB view can help in this, because I am allowing the users to select Items and only the selected items' IDs stored in the above are then used to filter data in FB for reporting.

Please advise.

Kind regards