Subject How do you get FB embedded to work running under the aegis of an IDE?
Author seanb_durkin
I have developed a delphi application that uses Firebird Embedded.
When the program is running stand-alone (that is to say launched from the operating system shell), it works perfectly well.

However, when the program runs under the Delphi IDE, the firbird client library spits the dummy. It raises an 335544373 error when an attempt
to connect to a database occurs.

Can any one please advise? How do you get FB embedded to work running
under the aegis of an IDE?

I sort of understand why this is happenning, but understanding doesnt
help me to find a solution.

I have set the system registry value
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ecdr3.exe\Path to be equal to the value of the embedded firebird system directory.
"ecdr3.exe" is the name of my application. So when the program is run
stand-alone, the o/s uses this key to set the DLL path to include the
fb system directory. Obviously this doesnt happen when the program
is launched via an IDE, as opposed to the o/s shell. But how to achieve
the same effect, when running the program from the IDE?

Thanks in advance if you can advise.

Sean B. Durkin