Subject Compiling an embedded SQL/Api app using gcc on Open Solaris 11 (AMD64)
Author vince.duggan
Hi all,

Using FB 2.1.1 (64 bit) on Open Solaris on an AMD 64 machine.

I am compiling (using gcc 3.4.6) using GPre a simple embedded SQL app
that I have been using for years on other platforms/versions of FB.

It does compile, but immediately core dumps on running.

These are the gcc and ld options I am using in my makefile:

GPRE_M= $(IBASE)/bin/gpre -c -n -m

CC= gcc
LINK= gcc
CFLAGS= -shared -fPIC -m64 -c -w -g -I$(IBASE)/include
LINK_FLAGS= -shared -m64 -lfbclient -ldl -lcrypt
LIB_LINK_FLAGS= -shared -lfbclient
RM= rm -f

which then causes the following commands to run:
gpre -c -n -m ibexport.e
gcc ibexport.c -shared -fPIC -m64 -c -w -g -I/opt/firebird/include
gcc -o ibexport ibexport.o -shared -m64 -lfbclient -ldl -lcrypt

Are these the options I should be using to compile and link a firebird
app under Open Solaris 11 (AMD64)?

Perhaps it is finding the 32 bit versions of libraries on running? How
would I know?

