Subject Re: unavailable database
Author eddressel
Thanks for the response.

> My guess would be the uninstallation of the video conferencing
> software might have removed the MSVC runtimes (msvcr71.dll and
> msvcp71.dll for Fb 1.5, AFAIR) from system dir if it was
> responsible for putting them there.

that's what I thought.

> Another possibility is that your fbclient.dll (presumably a
> renamed fbembed.dll) has actually been playing as a client-only
> client all along, attaching to a Fb server that was installed
> by the video conf software. Maybe a reboot will do the trick and
> the app will load the embedded server.

DLL name is gds32.dll from the olden days :-)... haven't needed to
change the name.

He said he rebooted. I also checked the services and there was no IB
or FB listed.

Ed Dressel