Subject Help with a query
Author Myles Wakeham
I'm hoping a seasoned SQL DBA here could give me some direction on a SQL
update that I'm trying to write in a stored procedure.

I have two tables, like this:

Address Varchar(100)

KE_ID Integer (Primary Key),
Address Varchar(100)

LIST_ID Integer (Primary Key),
LIST_NAME Varchar(20)

LM_ID Integer (Primary Key),
FK_KE_ID Integer (Foreign Key to Known Email),
FK_LIST_ID Integer (Foreign Key to List)

I need to create LIST_MEMBERSHIP records where they don't already exist for
any NEW_EMAIL_ADDRESS. Basically I load in a new list of email addresses,
and parse through them to find out if they are already known. If not, I add
them to the KNOWN_EMAIL table.

Then for each EMAIL_ADDRESS, I need to find the KNOWN_EMAIL address that
matches it, and the LIST that the email is supposed to be a member of
(LIST_ID). I then, if it doesn't already exist, have to add it to the
LIST_MEMBERSHIP table, using its foreign keys for KNOWN_EMAIL and LIST_ID.
If it already does exist, I basically leave it alone.

I have this working by doing it in a PHP application that runs a loop, but
its incredibly slow. Its taking about an hour to parse through 30,000
records, which isn't going to work. It would just make sense to do this in
a stored procedure, but other than basic FOR SELECT and UPDATE/INSERT
procedures which I do routinely, I haven't had to do something as complex as
this before.

What is the best approach with something like this? Could it be done with
one single UPDATE query? Currently I have a stored procedure written that
takes care of moving the records into KNOWN_EMAIL ok, but it's the
subscription to the list part that I'm not sure about.

All pointers, help, advice is greatly appreciated.


Myles Wakeham
Director of Engineering
Tech Solutions USA, Inc.
Scottsdale, Arizona USA
Phone +1-480-451-7440