Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Raid 0 or not ?
Author Alexandre Benson Smith
svanderclock wrote:
>> Well...
>> If you don't care about security, you can use a RAM DISK, or even read
>> /dev/rand :)
> no i take care about the security, but here the question was to know in "speed" not un reliability the difference between a raid 0 and a raid 1.

In the start of this thread you are asking for a diference in speedu
between Raid 0 and no RAID at all, not between RAID 0 and 1.

No RAID 0 is not twice faster than RAID 1

> is it really twice more faster and in this way really usefull to use it (but in this way the data will need to be backuped or mirrored all the time)

And you lose all the speed advantage making the mirroring and back-ups
:) and need to count with your luck to the disk does not crash a second
before the back-up/mirroring starts.

> stephane

I am sorry to repeat again, but IMHO RAID-0 is a no go for a database.

Alexandre Benson Smith
THOR Software e Comercial Ltda
Santo Andre - Sao Paulo - Brazil