Subject Re: Crash corrupted database file
Author Felix
> Backup/Restore is not required, simply rename the file.
Ok. Thanks for your feedback but I think we have got away from the problem here. The original file name of the database used does not have a .gdb extension. I just changed to that while trying to diagnose the problem ( I was looking at an example of how to use gfix and thought it might need to see a particular file name, the example used gdb). So I'm sorry to have wasted your time on that one.

Back to the issue at hand.

1.This application has been developed and used for several years now with no changes to the database, so I know it works. The "project" file for the application uses an embedded FB database. After a bluescreen, that particular project/database file is broken.

2. I can open the file with Flame Robin no problem and it all looks good.

3. When I try to access the file in my application, the .net driver for FireBird embedded throws an exception. "Error while trying to read from file ---> FirebirdSql.Data.Common.IscException"

4. I can't get gfix to open the file, but then I can't get gfix to open a good file either so I'm not sure what is wrong there.

Any ideas for things to check are much appreciated.
