Subject Crash corrupted database file
Author Felix
I am using Firebird embedded in a windowsXP application and using the .net driver. We had an unexpected crash (bluescreen) of the computer and now I get an exception opening the database file. The file opens fine in FlameRobin and all the data in the tables look fine.

Does anyone have any idea about how this could happen and what is wrong? This is the first time I have seen a file get corrupted in about 3 years of development on this app.

Relevant section from application log file:

2009-10-22 15:23:59,622 [2408] ERROR- FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbException: I/O error for file ReadFile "E:\dbfile.gdb"
Error while trying to read from file ---> FirebirdSql.Data.Common.IscException: Exception of type 'FirebirdSql.Data.Common.IscException' was thrown.
at FirebirdSql.Data.Client.Embedded.FesDatabase.ParseStatusVector(Int32[] statusVector)
at FirebirdSql.Data.Client.Embedded.FesStatement.Fetch()
at FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbCommand.Fetch()