Subject Re: Can't connect even with SYSDBA
Author Felipe Marin Cypriano
Hi Helen,

I executed gstat and the Attribute line gives me this:

Attributes single-user maintenance

I think it is a flag that got "stuck". Using flame rocbin I can access
the database file, but I can't do backup to restore it and recover the
data. Only flame robin can access no other software does.

Is there a way to set the attribute manually?

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 06:53 AM 30/01/2009, you wrote:
> >I've tried to do a backup and to use gfix. Both give me the same error:
> >
> >database <path> shutdown
> >
> >Any ideas?
> >
> >--- In, "Felipe Marin Cypriano"
> ><fmcypriano@> wrote:
> >>
> >> I'm trying to get my database back online, but this message is show:
> >>
> >> # /opt/firebird/bin/gfix -user SYSDBA -password ** localhost:litoral
> >> -online
> >> database /litoral/database/ERP_VCONTROL_LIEX.FDB shutdown
> >>
> >> And I can't connect. What can I do?
> >>
> The syntax is gfix <switches> <database>, so do:
> /opt/firebird/bin/gfix -online -user SYSDBA -password **
> You can check whether it worked, using gstat -h:
> /opt/firebird/bin/gstat -h /litoral/database/ERP_VCONTROL_LIEX.FDB
> If it is still shut down, it will say so in the Attributes.
> ./hb