Subject Re: conection string
Author Adam
--- In, "Sergio H. Gonzalez"
<shg_sistemas@...> wrote:
> Hi, I'm using FB2.1
> I'm having problems to conect to the database from the clients PCs
in a windows
> XP network
> I'm using this kind of string:
> On the server it works okm but in any other PC I get the messagge:
> I/O error for file DATA.FDB
> Error while trying to open the file
> What I'm doing wrong?

Yes, you should use an alias, but unless you have set the
DatabaseAccess property in firebird.conf it has nothing to do with
your problem.

I also doubt your problem is firewall related, because the I/O error
would come from the server itself. You can always test it with:

telnet server_name 3050

The screen should just go blank if OK.

Are there spaces or non ascii chars in folder name?
Are you using the exact same string on both the client and server?
Are you using either Superserver or Classic server?
Is the folder name you listed the folder name as seen by the server or
are you trying some sort of network share (that won't work).

Use process explorer (download from microsoft) on the server and find
handle for Data.FDB. It should be owned by either fbserver.exe or
fb_inet_server.exe. Anything else and you will have problems.
