Subject Re: [firebird-support] Varchar size overhead
Author Douglas Tosi
On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 1:37 PM, Alexandre Benson Smith
<iblist@...> wrote:
> Douglas Tosi wrote:
>> Today while doing some tests I noticed something odd:
>> Suppose the following tables with varchar fields of different sizes:
>> create table test1(t1 varchar(100) character set ascii)
>> create table test2(t2 varchar(2000) character set ascii)

Hi Alexandre, thanks!

> In your case you have 1968 trailing spaces for record, so you would have
> 4 chunks of 512 spaces (in fact 3 chunks of 512 and the other of 432),
> this would put an overhead of 8 bytes per record on your varchar(2000)
> column,

But the difference between average record length is 30 bytes. There
must be something else going on.

Douglas Tosi