Subject RE: [firebird-support] deadlock
Author mieke janson
Hi Dmitry

My customers use Firebird-

If I understand you correctly, all I have to do is install
Firebird- and my problem is solved? Was the bug also
in firebird1.5, because I never got deadlocks in 1.5 and I have been using
1.5 for many years now?

If I upgrade to 2.0.4, do I have to distribute the fbclient.dll to all the
clients as well of can the y use the fbclient.dll which I installed with
2.0.1? (I hope so :-) ), will save me some time...

Thank you,



[] Namens Dmitry Yemanov
Verzonden: donderdag 8 januari 2009 10:03
Onderwerp: Re: [firebird-support] deadlock

mieke janson wrote:
> Firebird 2.0, delphi2007, dbexpress

What exactly FB version?

> I encounter a problem, the firebird log file tells me:
> lock conflict on no wait transaction
> deadlock
> update conflicts with concurrent update
> operation was cancelled
> internal gds software consistency check (error during savepoint
> backout (290), file: exe.cpp line: 3711)

This is a bug which should be fixed in v2.0.4 and later versions.


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