Subject Can't start Firebird installed from snapshot rpm
Author skoczian
Using openSUSE 11.1.

Because of problems with kinterbasdb 3.3.0 I installed a Firebird
snapshot rpm (FirebirdSS-, using Yast. The
installation seemed to run without problems, but afterwards I couldn't
connect to the server to execute the changeDBApassword script. Then I
looked into the firebird log and found this:

Elend (Client) Mon Jan 5 16:26:53 2009
/opt/fb21ss/bin/fbguard: guardian starting bin/fbserver
Elend (Server) Mon Jan 5 16:26:53 2009
64 bit i/o support is on.
Elend (Server) Mon Jan 5 16:26:53 2009
Open file limit increased from 1024 to 8192
Elend (Client) Mon Jan 5 16:26:55 2009
/opt/fb21ss/bin/fbguard: /opt/fb21ss/bin/fbserver normal shutdown.
Elend (Client) Mon Jan 5 16:32:46 2009
INET/inet_error: connect errno = 111

Moreover I can't find Firebird in the Runlevel part of Yast, and the
rcfirebird script doesn't seem to be there. Not quite unexpectedly
Firebird doesn't start after reboot.

What's wrong here? When I used the normal rpm, not the snapshot,
Firebird started and worked normally (but I couldn't use kinterbasdb).
Is there something special to do when installing a snapshot rpm?

Thank you,
