Subject Re: [firebird-support] Any news regarding SuperClassic and events / RemoteAuxPor
Author Gary T. Benner

Hi Zd, You could always create a local buffer / proxy application that receives events from the FB Server and places them in a local queue, and then delivers them via the Internet to whomever, and whenever communication was possible, using a multitude of available technologies. That satisfies the requirement for the events to be handled "instantly" and to a singular location with no firewall hassles or changes to the FB Server code base, and deals independently with the realities of communication over the Internet. kr Gary

At 09:11 on 4/01/2009 you wrote

>>>> Give up. This idea aboout instant notification won't work anyway via
>>>> Internet.
>>> Why?
>> Because words "Internet" and "Instant" can't stay together.
>> Especially if my guess about your programming skill is right. Have you
>> really tested your application working via Internet even with
>> Superserver and 10-20 connections?
>> SY, SD.
Ref#: 41006

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