Subject DB statistics from Flame Robin
Author Robert martin

When I execute an SQL in Flame Robin I get some statistics like

687 fetches, 10 marks, 0 reads, 10 writes.
0 inserts, 0 updates, 0 deletes, 186 index, 0 seq.
Delta memory: -2396 bytes.
Execute time: 00:00:00.

I guess that generally the lower the numbers in the first 2 lines the
faster / better the SQL is (if it gives the correct results). I just
wondered about Delta memory. is this the amount of change in DB cache
requirements between this SQL and the last?

I say that because the above is a simplified (improved) version of an
SQL that was run immediately prior that had the following results.

35445 fetches, 30 marks, 0 reads, 30 writes.
0 inserts, 0 updates, 0 deletes, 860 index, 15899 seq.
Delta memory: 44880 bytes.
Execute time: 00:00:00.

Just wondering.
