Subject Re: [firebird-support] Classic to Super Server
Author André Knappstein, Controlling

For what it's worth, _we_ achieve by far better performance with
Classic over SuperServer; between 10 and 200 connections on a
dedicated server.
This is still with the old architecture (1.5.x) and on Windows, so
probably the balance is shifted in favour of SuperServer with 2.1 on
I have 2.1 on Linux as well, but not yet in production, so I can't

But in any case I would advise you to check carefully whether changing
from CS to SuperServer will indeed help you, or whether maybe you need
to change some settings in the CS.

Also, you just write that your "performance... leaves much to be
desired" without being specific, about which action takes how much
response time and what the response time is that you actually are


~~~Ihre Nachricht~~~

SH> Hi All,

SH> I've recently found out that our previous system admin installed classic
SH> server instead of super server. Our performance with respect to server
SH> connections leaves much to be desired and I'm assuming that the classic vs.
SH> super could have something to do with it.

SH> Can anyone think of any adverse consequences if I switch us to Super Server?

SH> We have a small shop (about 20 or so concurrent connections) and Firebird is
SH> running on a Linux server.

SH> Thanks for any feedback,

SH> Steve

SH> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

SH> ------------------------------------

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