Subject 2.1 and problem with utf8 character sets
Author markd_mms
I recently upgraded to 2.1 from 2.0 and had some problems with utf8
blobs that I've fixed. I'm now having problems with utf8 varchar fields.

I use ems ib manager and when I a try displaying the data in the
products table I immediately get 'Arithmetic overflow or division by
zero has occurred.Arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string
truncation.' There are 3 varchar(128) fields who's charset and
collation is set to utf8. If I change them to win1252 then the table
displays ok until I fetch a record that has utf8 characters in it
(like Með Suð í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust). I specify the default
character set as utf8 when connecting.

This also happens in the program I wrote to acess the database. If I
execute a query and order it in such a fashion that a record with utf8
chars would be fetched then I get them same error.

If I use isql and select * from products then it prints all the data
with no error. I have no idea what this is telling me.

Does anyone know what could be going wrong?