Subject UDF Writing On Ubuntu
Author R. S. Patil

I have Downloaded The 20080303 version of FreeAdhocUDF Lib and trying to
install on
Ubuntu 8.0.4 FB 2.0.3. The Installation is mere copy to UDF which I did
With flame robin I created a new DATABASE for Testing and RAN the script
But it gave error for SET SQL DIALECT 3; statement so I commented it out
then Installation went smooth. Then I Fired query


But it throws an Exception here is complete output

Starting transaction...
Preparing query: select F_CDOWLONG(current_timestamp)
*** IBPP::SQLException ***
Context: Statement::Prepare( select F_CDOWLONG(current_timestamp)
Message: isc_dsql_prepare failed

SQL Message : -804
An error was found in the application program input parameters for the SQL

Engine Code : 335544569
Engine Message :
Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -804
Function unknown

Execute time: 00:00:00.

So I tried to build it. After installing necessary packages I could manage
to build it
but again same story.

Can somebody help me in this situation. I would prefer to build it on my own
so that I can contribute few more Functions as I forge them for my needs
Right now I need like F_MonthBegin, F_Monthend, F_CastDate which
I will forge them and contribute to the Lib.

Thanks and Best Regards

R. S. Patil

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