Subject UDF Meltdown
Author Edwin A Epstein, III
Hi All,

A few years ago I developed a database in Firebird 1.5.5 and was using the rFunc UDF Library. No problems at all. It started out on a Windows 2000 Advanced Server and later migrated to a Red Hat Linux server. No problems with the migration, and rFunc has a linux compiled UDF.

I am now developing a new database, and I am extremely behind. I first used the latest FirebirdSS 32-bit on a recent CentOS installation. Installed the rFunc library as well as the FreeAdhocUDF libraries for Linux on it. It worked at first, but then shortly started giving me errors when I attempted to compile and commit the transaction to create my procedures. The standard BLR error which indicates it cannot find the module or entry point for my UDF.

I never get errors when declaring the UDF functions. I only get the error when creating the procedures or running the old procedures.

I have used three different version of FirebirdSS 2.x now on both Win32 and 32-bit and 64-bit Linux operating systems (CentOS, Red Hat Linux enterprise) and continually get the same errors when attempting to use the UDF functions. I have created all new databases from scratch with a single declared UDF function and a single stored procedure attempting to use that function.

I have edited the Firebird.conf file to give everything �full� access and have tried various different configurations for it as well.

I am at my wits end here and frankly have no idea why the UDF libraries refuse to work at all now. I just don�t get it.

Any help or insight is enormously appreciated.

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