Subject Re: Database corruption (again) or what is wrong with Firebird.
Author HKlemt
> Hi Holger !
> We had talked about this system on the last Firebird Developers Day in
> Brazil, and I thought it interesting and simple to implement from what
> we had talked on that night, but I had not looked into the real
> implementation until today :)

will you be there again this year? i will show the newest
implementation in my session there.

> I know it's just the skeleton of a replication system...

yes, at lest the things i published in my article which is form 2006

> No handle of computed fields
yes, but easy to be added by restriction on the rdb$relation_fields in
the initlog procedure

> Always updates full record, not just the changed columns
missing in 2006 version, but not in 2008 version ;-)

> No way to avoid replication of columns maintained by triggers
could be added for example by using specific domains or column names
for these columns and ignore them in the same as described above. The
other way would be that the triggers ignore things done by the
replicat user, so no conflict when transfering this columns data also
as you described.

> I did not realize how you handle the following situation:
> First Replication Action: Insert a new record ID#1 (fails)
> Second replication Action: Changes field "foo" on record ID#1 (that did
> not exists since the insert fails)
> Does the second action get logged as "done" ? If so, this will lead to
> problems of mismatch data between databases (the same applies to delete
> instead of update).

simple question: why should first action fail? if it is a data problem
(pk already exists or so), you have a problem in your application, it
has no influence on the replication.
basically we do all transfer all operations in transactions and if any
of them fail, no later operation is allowed to be transfered before
the first runs fine. This will never work (as you expect).
When you think about a replicated database, your concept must allow to
transfer all records and basic database rules must already create
exceptions when it is not sure that these record can be written on
another database. This is also the reason why i use the offset for the
ID Generator in all databases.

when the replicator transfer process finds new records in the log, it
tries to transfer all the records in one transaction. If everything
works, the insert in the destination database (one insert for each
operation, but all in one transaction) is commited and due to the
trogger on the log table, executed using execute statement.

> Perhaps was just a misunderstanding on my part, since I did not read
> the code carefully, if so, just forgive me.

the code i published is not always easy to read ;-)

> I think those are my doubts for a first look on your system.
> Thanks for sharing it with us !

i like ot do so :-)
