Subject Re: OLAP development
Author vyacheslav.ozherelev
--- In, "steverwyllie"
<steverwyllie@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a small start-up business and we desperately need an OLAP
> service running off a transactional firebird database that's been
> written by specialists in Singapore.
> I've asked the Singapore guys, but they're too busy on other stuff
> and don't really buy into how awesome a service this could be...
> I've got a small amount of development experience from a long time
> ago, but I'm afraid Firebird's got me beat !
> I'd appreciate any help anyone can offer. We're just a start-up,
> I'd be happy to pay for the work - it's really important to us.
> Hope to hear from - somebody ! :)
> Steve Wyllie
Our company are developed different solutions for government, banks,
and other. Our solutions are based on open-source projects, such as:
Firebird (Red Database);
Mondrian - XMLA/MDX server;
JasperReports – tool generating statutory reports;
Red OLAPNavigator, Jrubik – tools for OLAP data navigation

For more information about us you can see on our web site: http://

We are ready to help if you explain us what would you like more
detail. Write to us about you system, database structure and analysis
functions that you want to make.
I think we can discuss it privately on support@...

Best Regards,
Vyacheslav Ozherelyev
Red Soft Corporation