Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: slow "where 1=0"
Author Milan Babuskov
danyschaer wrote:
> After two years of developnets I can say "I did it!!!" for Firebird,
> Oracle, PostgreSQL. I want to try with MS-SQL too. All based on 100%
> pure sql selects (and very big in most cases).

I did a project that works on MSSQL, MySQL and Firebird. Application has
a communication layer, so you can write a different SQL for one engine
if needed. The code that does the job only works with data structures
and doesn't care about database at all. Database classes (one for each
engine) derive from a common class that does 'generic' SQL. Each
function can be overridden in the inherited class to implement some SQL
statements specific to that DBMS.

Milan Babuskov