Subject Re: Nbackup hanging. Firebird 2.1 SLED 10.0
Author thisllub
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@...> wrote:
> At 05:42 PM 18/06/2008, Michael Boyle wrote:
> >Quad core 8GB ram.
> >Software raid 10
> >XFS partition.
> >Forced writes.
> >
> >Database about 11GB in size.
> >
> >Upgraded via backup and restore of 2.0 database.
> >
> >Gbak reports no errors.
> >4 times in the last 48 hours Nbackup has hung without creating a delta
> >file.
> >The only way to restart the database is with a reboot.
> >
> >Initially the backups were going to a separate LVM partition. I
> >disabled that in case there was an error in LVM. The last one failed
> >on the raid partition.
> >
> >The LVM routine was established during V2.0. use of the database(s).
> >Although this database corrupted (gds inconsistency error) on average
> >every three months under 2.0 (never under 1.5) Nbackup has never had a
> >problem before.
> >
> >I am disabling Nbackup for now but it is a problem of great concern.
> >
> >Any ideas?
> Yup. Nbackup was broken by some errant changes in 2.1. A release
candidate for patch release 2.1.1 is available for you to try:
> ./helen

Thanks for the prompt response.
I will go to level 0 backups instead.

I am not going to put a beta into production.