Subject Re: [firebird-support] Nbackup hanging. Firebird 2.1 SLED 10.0
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
Hello Helen,


>> I am disabling Nbackup for now but it is a problem of great concern.
>> Any ideas?
> Yup. Nbackup was broken by some errant changes in 2.1. A release candidate for patch release 2.1.1 is available for you to try:

Do you have more insight information on what was broken? Nbackup in
general or e.g. the incremental backup functionality? Is this problem
platform specific?

We are currently using Firebird 2.1 Classic on Suse Linux Enterprise 10
and create full backups with Nbackup, so no incremental backups yet with
this Firebird version on this particular platform.


Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2
Upscene Productions