Subject Re: [firebird-support] Running multiple FB versions on development computer
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> I was hoping that others have gone down this path and can point me in the
> right direction.
> I have many different applications in development that work with Firebird.
> Some are Delphi apps and others are PHP5 apps. I do all of my development
> on my Windows laptop computer. In the past, I have been using FB 1.5.5 for
> everything which has worked great.
> Recently we decided to start building for FB 2.1, and now I have to have
> both FB 1.5.5 and FB 2.1 available on my computer. I would like both to be
> running as server instances at the same time, but serving on different ports
> if that is possible.
> I've not had to install multiple FB server instances on the same computer
> before, so I was looking for some guidance on this. I tried to run the FB
> 2.1 installer on my computer, but it complained that since the other version
> of FB was installed, I'd have to complete the installation manually. Also
> it wanted the FB 1.5.5 server shut down in order to install.
> Are there any documents out there that explain, step by step, what is
> required to have multiple versions of FB running concurrently on a computer
> for this?

Don't know how up-to-date it is though.

Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Series - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database, MS SQL Server and
NexusDB V2
Upscene Productions