Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re-install woes
Author Moegamat Alexander

I re-installed my development machine and has been having the following

1) Installed the newer 2.1 version for windows
Now it seems I can only on connection to the database at a time. I
generally use more than one connection for development
one for delphi, one to test my app as well as one to connect via my
database manager and i use ems in this case
I generally have no hassles installing at a client site with fairly
basic setups... now i get the following error

Statement failed, SQLCODE = -902
I/O error for file "C:\FBDATA\TESTDB.FDB"
-Error while trying to open file
-The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another

2) The second funny thing I get is the problem with UDF's they dont
seems to work any more
a) I have used the rfunc udf package for a while now and one of the
functions ... eg round()
b) I droped all the udf's
c) re-execute the rfunc6.sql script to recreate them
d) testing the udf's I get the following error..

Invalid token.
Invalid request BLR at offset 59.
Function ROUND is not defined.
Module name or entrypoint could not be found.


Many thanx