Subject server hang ups
Author sosicek
Hi all,

i use firebird or interbase from version 4. All that time there was
small or bigger issues with it, but nothing so serious to blame it.

Till now of course :)

I'm small hosting provider. We host near 200 websites on server.
Majority of them uses firebird of course. As we use gentoo we used
firebird from official repository. Client is PHP on apache. Again base
gentoo versions.

Till last weekend we used version 1.5.3. Everything worked near
perfect. Except one think. Firebird used hang every 10 days but later
every 24 hours.
It simple stop responding to connect or react on any api function. It
simple locks out. There is no load from firebird on server and it
looks its in Sl state (sleep multithreads.) Not respondindg to TERM
only to KILL

Last week I upgraded to version 2.0.3
issue is even worse.

so i use:
firebird superserver (portage version)
php-5.2.5_p20080206-r3 (portage version)
32bit gentoo-sources kernel 2.6.24-gentoo-r3
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=i686 -pipe"

Daily aprox. 1 milion of connects to server (hits), i do not use
persistent connection as it had no impact on issue.

And here is question:
Can anyone help me to solve this issues? If not i'll be forced to
replace firebird by something else (sqlite and postgres). But as i
said i use firebird for long time and i like it.

So If there is anyone who can point me where problem is i'll be very
happpy. I can attach gdb on hanged firebird. But i cannot use strace
ot run firebird in gdb as this issue happen on production server. I
can provide any aditional information on request.


Pavol Starek