Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird Embedded on Linux help
Author Lee Jenkins
Helen Borrie wrote:
> At 07:24 AM 7/02/2008, you wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I'm having a difficult time trying to get embedded to work on linux.
> I'm on
> >CentOS 4.3, btw.
> >
> >I've tried following this:
> >
> >
> <>
> >
> >I also think I saw somewhere that embedded on linux is not officially
> supported,
> >is this true?
> No. It's never been true. But the implementation model isn''t the same
> as it is on Windows and the deployment is different too.
> >Frankly, I chose embedded because I thought it would be an easier task
> for users to setup this application on both windows and linux, but there
> seems this is only the case for windows deployments?
> It depends on how you define "easy". :-)
> >Well, I'm assuming because I haven't been successful yet ;)
> >
> >When trying to follow the example above, I received "error while
> loading shared
> >libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such
> file or
> >directory.
> This applies for any Firebird installation on Linux, not just
> It's the C++ runtime. If you have a more recent distro
> installed, you'll have the runtime.All you need to do is
> use [whatever search tool is used by your Linux distro] to find a
> package containing the older library, and install it. (This is not
> necessarily going to be "easy" for your end users, I guess!)
> >I'm assuming this is required for isql, but not sure if its required for
> >embedded classic to run?
> It's required for any model of firebird to run.
> >Any help or suggestions would be appreciated and I would like to use
> FB embedded for this particular project if I can.
> Are you actually deploying a client application that runs on Linux?
> Could you describe what you plan to do for a Linux deployment and how it
> would be used? Given the differences, it might not be quite what you
> expect from your experiences with the Windows embedded superserver....
> ./heLen

Thanks for replying Helen (and Fulvio!).

I've installed Firebird on Linux before (just a couple of times however) with no
problems, but this one...I may need to go work on the heavy bag for a while
after today ;)

There really is nothing special that I want to do with the database. I'm using
Lazarus/Freepascal, and FBLib to connect to the database. Its a stand alone
application, but I would like to use FB so that users can switch to C/S model
for multiple users.

I've tried connecting to the database using just isql and it returns SQLCODE
-902, (using both local and remote connection models) and always it says my
username and password are not defined, etc, etc. but I have changed the default
install password to masterkey (just to make things simple for testing) using the
supplied script and yet I still get this error. Also
sometimes isql just dumps me back out to command line without any errors when
trying to connect to the database.

I'm just hoping that I can come up with a strategy to avoid this kind of mess
for my end users when deploying to linux or I have to unfortunately find an
alternative to my favorite database system like xml files or sqlite :(

Thanks again for your help, if there is any more information that I can supply
that will help you help me, please let me know :)

Warm Regards,


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