Subject Re: Ghost dependencies
Author Dan Fisher
Thanks for your input, Helen.

> Running a backup from an exclusive clean connection would have been
a prerequisite to a job like this... If backup and restore really
*is* the only way, it suggests that you might have started the
operation on a database that had dependent garbage.

The job is indeed being run in exclusive mode, after a backup-and-
restore. The scripts are bing run via a script-running dll, rather
than a propietary tool (these upgrades go out to 150 - 200 sites).

The error occurs in all circumstances I can think of (garbage-
collecting backup, backup-and-restore, service restart, all of the
above, etc). The only thing that does the trick is backup-and-
restore at the point when the eror occurs.

> Destroying metadata in order to work around the built-in
consistency protection is NOT a recommended way to restructure
databases. The only operation you should *ever* do on system tables

I did say I'd rather not do that :-)

> Another thing to bear in mind is that working in exclusive mode
won't guarantee interference from other users if you have
applications or users able to log in as SYSDBA or Owner. If that is
your situation then rename the database before you start trying to do
this restructuring.

Exclusive mode is pretty-much garaunteed here because the users log-
in as themselves, not SYSDBA/Owner. Besides, at the moment this is
happening in complete isolation on development and test machines.

So if, as you say... "it suggests that you might have started the
operation on a database that had dependent garbage" and it's not
sorted by a backup-and-restore before the restructure, have you any
suggestions as to what sort of thing I should be looking for?

Regards, Dan