Subject fbguardian cannot read
Author Fidel Viegas
Hello all,

I am having this strange problem that I don't know why it is
happening. I install firebird 2.1.1 and everything works well. I check
the logs and everything is fine. Well, there is a connect errno = 111
error, but that happens because fbserver starts before fbguardian. I
managed to figure that one out. Now, when I restart my computer and
check the logs once again I get the following error:

/opt/firebird/bin/fbguard: guardian could not open
/var/run/firebird/ for writing, error 2

I have checked on the net and found this tracker bug

But, as far as I am aware, this has been resolved. So, I was wondering
if anyone has come across this issue before. I am using Ubuntu Studio
8.04 with firebird 2.1.1 Super Server.

Yesterday I was unable to connect to any database, but then I
re-install firebird and everything came to normal once again. I still
get the error after restarting, but I am able to connect to the

Can someone help?

Thanks in advance,
