Subject Re: [firebird-support] Firebird, ODBC, web access and various beginner questions
Author Anderson Farias

> You're probably right. I'll go for the fastest I can afford. :o)

Sure! =) I've mentioned SAS/SCSI assuming you could have a big database
(lots of data) and many concurrent users (lots of concurrent transactions)
and also, just case you could afford it ;-)

For small systems, SATA drives and a good backup aproach is fine (and don't
forget to have a good UPS, it's worth the money)

For instance, I've got a Php system running on a very simple linux/apache
box. It's a Pentium IV 3,2GHz (no HT), with 512MB RAM, and only *one* 80Gb
7200 rpm IDE/SATA drive. Linux is old RedHat 9.

This box runs Apache, the Php app and Firebird 1.0 SS. The Php app has about
max of 5 concurrent conections (internet/remote users) usualy and it's
database is about 1Gb. This DB is also (and primarily) used by an C/S app
build with Delphi with about of 10 concurrent users. Everything is running
over 2 years now.

So, small systems run fine on "small" hardware.

