Subject Caching retention using a persistent dummy database connection?
Author jeff_j_dunlap
Dear FB Users:

I am designing a web application (currently in it's infancy stage)
using superserver and I would like to know how I can keep a database
cached for as long as possible. I'm not looking for server
configuration tweaks at this time.

The lifespan of my database connections will be extremely short,
basically a web visitor will make a request (click on a link or
submit a form) causing my web application to make a db connection,
perform the required task (such as query, update or insert), and when
finished, the connection is immediately disconnect.

Unlike a desktop application, this constant connecting/disconnecting
happens because there really is no "session state" for a web
application. I can't just leave an active connection for every
visitor for instance.

On this newsgroup, I read a post by Ann Harrison suggesting that the
way to retain cache is to keep an open connection to the database,
just some dumb connection that does nothing. Her advise was in
regards to a read only database, suggesting that garbage collection
was not a problem since this particular database was not going to be
updated, thus causing a need for garbage collection. She did warn
that garbage collection is required for databases that are written to.

Since my database will be constantly read from and updated, I am
wondering if I can create a timer and have it connect/reconnect from
the dummy connection every 2 hrs or so? Maybe leaving the dummy
connection off for about 5 minutes in between?

Any thoughts/suggestions welcome,
