Subject Problem to deploy application
Author Fabricio D. Rossi

I need deploy my application to many linux box (debian/ubuntu), but I have many problems to do it.

My limitation is :I cannot install Firebird Server and the access to database must be embedded.

I installed de package libfbembed2 but when I want create the database from application i have the next error:

*** IBPP::SQLException ***
Context: Database::Create
Message: isc_dsql_execute_immediate failed

SQL Message : -902
Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes
successful execution of subsequent statements

Engine Code : 335544373
Engine Message :
operating system directive open failed
Permission denied
*** IBPP::SQLException ***
Context: Database::Create
Message: isc_dsql_execute_immediate failed

SQL Message : -902
Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes
successful execution of subsequent statements

Engine Code : 335544373
Engine Message :
operating system directive open failed
Permission denied

The package libfbembeded2 contains and a symblink to

Another test that makes is copy from directory of firebird/lib to the directory of my application and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but the error is: "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

The ask is: "what is the best way to distribute my application with firebird embedded?"
I desire is this directory

This program must be run as non-root privileges

My environment is:
Framework: boost/stl
IDE: Eclipse with plugin CDT
Access to Firebird: IBPP
Operating System: Debian Testing

Thank you and sorry for my english.


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