Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Starting Firebird Database -- Issues
Author Milan Babuskov
nathanmoonman wrote:
> 2007-08-13 16:01:45,087 *********.******* [020312:63925136]
> WARN 000 AVG7.TCPSV.DC.FBConn ! FireBird database error: Unable to
> complete network request to host "localhost". Failed to establish a
> connection. Connection refused"

I assume AVG is the anti-virus product by Grisoft? Apparently it uses
Firebird as a possible database backend (now, AFAIK, that has a large
installation base, so it's nice they picked Firebird).

In any case, it seem that connection to localhost is not
allowed/available. It really looks like xinetd is not running, so I
recommend you install and start it, OR use Firebird SuperServer.

BTW, reading the FAQ on the grisoft website, it seems that they are
using Firebird 1.5, not 2.0, so that might give you some issues. Have
you tried with Firebird 1.5.4?

Milan Babuskov