Subject Re: [firebird-support] Linux Classic 2.x
Author Tom Miller
Alexandre Benson Smith wrote:
> Tom Miller wrote:
>> I have a server with 8 cores and 16 GB memory. I would like to run at
>> least 4 DBs on this machine, maybe more.
>> My question:
>> Should I run Linux 32 bit and run multiple instances of CS (one per DB)
>> or run on Server and have multiple DBs run from that one Server on Linux 64?
>> Thanks
>> Tom Miller
> Tom,
> CS uses one server *per connection* not per db.
> I would use CS 32 bits and let the OS take care of the CPU load. Each
> process would use up to 2GB of memory, I think you will use config the
> database cache to less than this per connection so it would not be a
> problem.
> see you !
Thanks, so each connection is a server and can use up to 2gb. and if 200
people connected and each was using 128k, then some 20GB of memory would
get used? Just to make sure I understand. There doesn't seem to be any
commented out default configuration params in the firebird.conf file.
Is that on purpose as we shouldn't be messing with the parameters or an
over site?

I think the cached pages for CS defaults to 75 and I was going to bump
it to 200 (if that makes sense).

In addition, the gbak file I am restoring is from IB 7.51. Is there a
FB (1.1 or 1.5) GBAK that is compatible with IB 7.51? If not I can
always extract the DDL and datapump the data.


Tom Miller