Subject Re: [firebird-support] Embedded Server for Windows: Directory where the firebird.log is created
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:17 PM 23/08/2007, you wrote:
>the attractive opportunities, that you, the supporters of the firebird
>database, have enabled by the Embedded Server catched our attention
>and so we intend to mirgrate from Firebird 1.0.2 to Firebird 2.0.1
>Embedded Server.
>A small Java Class that I have written reproduces bug CORE-1279
>when using the Superserver.
>When I use this class with the Embedded Server I see similar symptoms
>but I can not locate the firebird.log file.
>The question is if you could give me a hint where the Embedded Server
>writes its firebird.log file.
>(I had a look into the 2.0.1 and 1.5.4 Release Notes and into Helen
>Borrie's Firebird Book, but I could not not find a hint there).

Embedded is not a different engine. It writes firebird.log into the
root directory which, in the case of embedded, is the application
directory, where your executable and (renamed) fbembed.dll are located.

If you are not finding it there, it is because it doesn't exist. If
it doesn't exist, it means the server hasn't yet had anything to
log. (Most of the time, the log entries pertain to network
activities which, of course, are absent when the client is connecting
to the server via their IPC space...)

BTW, if this is a genuine reproduction of CORE-1279, the support list
isn't the right place to be discussing the issue. It is flagged as
fixed in the forthcoming 2.0.2 release (due soon) and the bug is
closed. If you have a demo case, post a message to firebird-devel
and ask whether anyone would like you to upload your test case
somewhere...since I think you cannot upload test cases for closed issues.
