Subject RE: [firebird-support] update from select
Author sasha
> Sorry Sasha,
> I mistook that quetion was by .
> Sorry ..
No problem... no need for appologies...
But as for your reply, i definitely don't follow your advice on doing delete
and select when update was required... Must admit I quite confused... guess
it's still Monday morning for me although my watch says otherwise... :)

> I feel better than updating , Do Multiple selects in a query
> and delete the existing record from the table and append this
> query to the table i feel this will be faster . Please be
> carefull to uses all key fields properly.
> Eg
> Delete from Testtable ;( cond if any);
> Select TestID , (Select Testname From TestNameMaster where
> Testnamemater.ID=TestMaster.TestIID) As Name, (Select
> Testname From TestNameMaster where
> Testnamemater.ID=TestMaster.TestIID) As Type, (Select
> TestDuration From TestDurationMaster where
> TestDurationmater.ID=TestMaster.TestIID) As Duration, (Select
> TestStartDate From TestStartDate where
> TestStartDate.ID=TestMaster.TestIID) As StartDate, .........
> From TestMaster
> I found such a move to faster . Hope this Eg meets ur requirement .