Subject Why is fbserver terminated abnormally?
Author joerg_froeber

we are running firebird on Suse Linux 10 64bit.

At the moment there is only a Java Application, which is run daily by
cron, which connects to 3 databases using jaybird-full-2.1.1.jar.
The programm only uses deletes, inserts, updates and selects. There
are no stored procedures, triggers or UDFs involved.
The last sundays the application crashed during its run, which I
think is caused by firebird restarting itself.

In firebird.log following errors are logged:

backup (Server) Sat Aug 4 01:32:42 2007
REMOTE INTERFACE: wrong dpb version
backup (Client) Sun Aug 5 00:17:46 2007
/opt/firebird/bin/fbguard: bin/fbserver terminated abnormally
backup (Client) Sun Aug 5 00:17:46 2007
/opt/firebird/bin/fbguard: guardian starting bin/fbserver
backup (Server) Sat Aug 11 15:36:43 2007
REMOTE INTERFACE: wrong dpb version
backup (Client) Sun Aug 12 00:17:04 2007
/opt/firebird/bin/fbguard: bin/fbserver terminated abnormally
backup (Client) Sun Aug 12 00:17:04 2007
/opt/firebird/bin/fbguard: guardian starting bin/fbserver

I don't know, if the error "REMOTE INTERFACE: wrong dpb version" has
anything to do with this, but these are the only log entries not
caused by a restart of the computer.
Port 3050 is blocked by the firewall, so there shouldn't be any
remote access to firebird and at the time of these errors firebird
should be idle.

Any help to find out why fbserver is terminated an restarted is much

With kind regards
Jörg Fröber