Subject Set Current Record in IBX TIBDataset after Stored Procedure (using RDB$DB_KEY)
Author boris_damjanovic
I'm developing an application in Delphi 7, using IBX, Firebird 2.0.1
I have an application that obtains a list of rows from a stored
procedure in Firebird. User can select a row, and do something with
data. After commiting transaction (TACommit) my Current Record is set
to the first record in the dataset. In order to reload the record that
was edited, I do another:

TIBDataSet.Locate('Some_ID', some_id, [])

But this is slow. Is there any way to do the search in stored
procedure using RDB$DB_KEY, cursor or something else.

I apologize if this is considered off-topic for this mailing list.
