Subject Re: [firebird-support] help with error: Request depth exceeded. (Recursive definition?)
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:54 AM 8/08/2007, you wrote:
>I just upgraded on of our server from from Firebird 1.52 to 2.01 on
>Windows 2000. I am encountering this error after the server was up for
>a few hours:
>Request depth exceeded. (Recursive definition?)
>When the server was in this state, simple queries will work, but
>simple store procedures won't, returning the above error. Restarting
>the Firebird server service will get rid of the problem until it
>happens again in a few hours.
>The other problem I am dealing with is the large gap between the
>oldest active and the next transaction:
>ODS version 11.0
>Oldest transaction 4924198
>Oldest active 4924199
>Oldest snapshot 4924199
>Next transaction 5063357
>This was a problem before I upgraded to 2.01, but could it be what's
>killing the server in 2.01 and 1.52 some how was able to handle this

No, a garbage gap of ~ 140,000 would tend to slow things down in 2.01
in the same way as it did in 1.52.

You have an operation somewhere that is in an endless loop. If it's
just allowed to go on unheeded, eventually it will exhaust resources
and the server will die. In the meantime, that operation is highly
likely to be contributing generously to the garbage gap and
inhibiting garbage collection the way you report.

Have a look at triggers that perform operations on other tables, or
worse, on their own table or a dependent table. That's a common
source of recursion and it's a design problem that won't go away on its own.


>Help appreciated,
>- Jung
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