Subject Re: [firebird-support] error formating date in stored procedure
Author Anderson Farias

asuming you'll always have these 'string dates' as 'dd/mm/yyyy' you can use:

substring(str_date_field from 1 for 2)||'.'||
substring(str_date_field from 4 for 2)||'.'||
substring(str_date_field from 7 for 4)
as date)

('' is also a valid format for date 'input' on FB)

of course, if you could do this 'conversion' inside Delphi it'd be easier =)


----- Original Message -----
From: "salenowon99" <forestsoftware@...>

Hi I'm repeatedly getting the following error message

Overflow occurred during data type conversion.Conversion error from
string "16/09/2004".